Hay-fever and pollen allergies can be bad enough twice a year, but with the crazy weather we’ve been having lately, it feels like they are on all year round!
What can homeopathy do for those who don’t want to simply suppress the symptoms with antihistamines?
Everyone is different and experiences symptoms in a slightly different way. Homeopathy is a highly individualised system of medicine, therefore it is probably a good idea to consult a homeopath for a personalised prescription.
However, here is a short list of the most common remedies used for seasonal allergies:
- Allium Cepa: this remedy is made from the humble onion (allium cepa is the Latina name), therefore, the symptoms are “onion-related”: bland, non irritating discharge from eyes and stuffy nose.
- Euphrasia: watery discharge from eyes, that are also itchy. A lot of sneezing, dry cough, worse in open air.
- Arsenicum: acrid discharges that “burn” the nose and the upper lip
- Natrum Muriaticum: watery discharges, cold sores, loss of sense of smell and taste, headaches, better for fresh air.
In some cases, a combination of more than one remedy can be indicated. In some other cases, a completely different remedy is needed, as the remedy needs to fit the patient as a whole, not just the patient’s symptoms.
~ Giovanna Franklin, Homeopath
Homeopathic consultations are now available at balance with Giovanna Franklin on Fridays. Book your one hour long consultation by phoning us on 0141 332 8800.