Link to pre-appointment questionnaire (all patients must complete before coming to the centre):

In person chiropractic appointments are now a available for people who are non-emergency, but have any of the following: experienced a recent injury where chiropractic treatment may be of help, have mobility issues, or need treatment for ongoing pain.

To ensure the highest levels of infection prevention and control at Balance and to give you as much reassurance as we can, we have put in place the following procedures:

Book by calling 0141 332 8800. When booking appointments, you will be asked to complete a Covid-19 questionnaire, which will act as a Level 1 remote triage. It is vitally important that no one enters the center if they have any Covid-19 symptoms. Link to the questionnaire:

Vulnerable Groups: If you have received a letter or been told by your GP or other health professional that you are in the ‘Vulnerable’ group, we are unable to see you in clinic at present. Please contact us as we can help you with advice over the phone. The vulnerable group are people who are:
Aged 70 or over
Have an underlying medical condition:
Chronic respiratory disease e.g. Asthma, COPD
Chronic heart disease e.g. heart failure
Chronic kidney disease
Chronic liver disease e.g. hapatitis
Chronic neurological disease e.g. Parkinsons, MND, MS
Have a weakened immune system from such as HIV, AIDS, medicines, chemotherapy.

At Your Appointment: Please arrive by yourself if possible and as close to your appointment time. A triage is conducted at Balance, including temperature check to ensure no Covid-19 symptoms. If this is normal you will go straight through to the treatment room.

Hand Sanitiser: On entering the center, please sanitise your hands using the hand sanitiser provided at reception.

Cleaning & Hygiene: A strict cleaning, sanitation and infection control protocol is in place in the treatment rooms between every appointment and throughout the center. Our cleaner is also in daily.

Social Distancing: The layout and function of the center has been adapted to maintain social distancing. The number of appointments currently available has been reduced to ensure distancing isn’t compromised. Seating at reception has been reduced to comply with social distancing.

Personal Protection Equipment (PPE):
Our team members will be wearing PPE for your protection, as directed by Health Protection Scotland. It is also mandatory that anyone entering Balance wears a mask.

Payments: Please make payment by card. Cash payments cannot be accepted at this time.

We will continue to monitor and act on the advice issued by the Scottish Government as the Covid-19 situation evolves and review all our procedures and processes to ensure the highest level of compliance.